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Thursday, 15 June 2017

What’s Up With Color?

I love color – all colors of the rainbow, those created in nature and those brought to life by those brilliant minds in a laboratory.

If we are surrounded by literally a gazillion shades from one end of the color spectrum to the other, why do we gravitate to decorating our homes in neutrals, browns, navy blue and forest green?  Why is there so much anticipation of color at the first sign of spring - from the buds on the trees to the early blooming rhododendrons, tulips, hyacinths, columbine and primrose right through to the fall sunflowers, black eyed Susan’s, mums and our glorious changing of the leaves?

So, here’s the thing…..

We fill our days leafing through home decorating magazines and admiring the bold statement of a peacock blue or a lime green – but who dare bring that into their home?  We stroll through public gardens and art galleries - literally travelling the world to enjoy the beauty of nature and the kaleidoscope of colors it offers. Great in the outdoors, but would never consider a wall or a piece of furniture in the process.  Actually, we don’t have to look too far to see how color impacts our lives.  Next time you are out and about take time to notice the color of vehicles these days.  What about that new lipstick or nail polish – the choices are endless.  Although neutral colors will continue to top the charts in choosing that next vehicle, did you know that the future trend predictions are tending to suggest greens, pinks and hue shifting finishes?  What about fashion?  Trending this year are beautiful pink, crimson, coral and purple shades – will they eventually make it into our homes?

Recently while at Indian Garden Farms in Bridgewater, I spoken with an employee about the amazing display of color in their prepared baskets, from the soft hues of pinks and greens to the vibrant reds, corals, yellows and purples - color everywhere.  I was happy. As I stood drooling over the arrangements I asked her why are we so afraid to bring fun, vibrant or soft colors into our homes.  She said her mother’s reasoning was that taupe was a neutral and would stand the test of time and mix with anything purchased for the home – it was safe. Maybe so…..

However, I applaud those who dare to step outside their comfort zone and introduce a splash of color to a wall, a chair, an area rug or accessories.  Fun, happy, inviting, warm and interesting – through color - fabrics, paints, wall paper or furniture, you can make your nest a delightful place to come home to – and smile. Take a look at these photos (courtesy of Google).  Be it through soft or bright tones, color is happy.

Ahhh, color.  I encourage you to introduce a little color in your homes. Choose a wall, add pillows, change the drapes, toss in a few accessories or punch it up with an area rug.  Let a little sunshine in and watch the reaction!

“Punches of color keeps a room feeling youthful and engaging."   
                                                                      – Christina Murphy

Until next time - Live Simply!
Mary Elizabeth

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