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Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Let's Talk Stains!

You know when you find that piece of clothing that fits you perfectly and you think “I love this! It looks so good – I need two” - just so when the hard-to-come-by "oh so perfectly fitted" garment wears out, turns that dingy yellow color or is ruined because of a mishap and leaves a stain right in the most obvious spot.

Nothing can ruin a favorite piece of clothing like a stain, be it make-up, blood,  perspiration, wine or even just the “ring around the collar.” Your furniture takes a beating as well from things such as coffee, grease, crayons or food. 

So, here’s the Thing…..

I have a fetish for the color white when it comes to my summer wardrobe.  White blouses and white jeans top my go-to attire – don’t know why, just do. Throw on a colorful top with the white jeans or a white blouse with the blue jeans and I’m good to go. Pretty plain Jane.

Why white, of all colors? Not exactly the smartest choice for a woman who up until a year ago would not leave the cottage without two 90 lb. bull mastiff boxers in tow. Drooling, shedding and dirty paws from two who thought they were the size of a Chihuahua and required received constant hugs, kisses and lap time. I’d always have some sort of mark or stain (or many) by the end of the day.

Then, there’s my line of work - I am constantly digging around searching for furniture.  On a “day off” I’ll throw on my go-to wardrobe to visit a friend and we’ll end up digging through the attic, barn or basement looking for that perfect piece to refinish! Or, I’m off to run errands and do a road side stop for that discarded chair…..another marked up article of clothing. Needless to say I had to find a product to keep my whites white.

(Disclaimer) Let me start by saying that I have no attachment to this company, no relationship with them what-so-ever, no paybacks, no perks no free products.  This is just a favorite stain remover I found and want to share it with you. End of story.

I was at Atlantic Fabrics in Bridgewater a few months back checking out – well, pretty much anything in a fabric store!  On one shelf I spotted a product called eaze-OUT. Said on the label it is a “super concentrated STAIN REMOVER that gently penetrates to dissolve and lift the most difficult set-in stains without harming the fabric, even silk.”  Well, I read the back label and, like many products, it boosted itself as being the miracle, fix all solution to keeping your whites white and your colors bright – but I bought it anyway!

Fast forward to a few weeks later and I pulled out a pair of white jeans and prepared for an outing. This particular day I was carrying a cross strap weaved bag and did not notice until later in the day that a pen in my bag had poked its point through the weave and had left at least a dozen ink marks all over my white jeans….not pretty!

When I got home I hauled out the bottle of eaze-out, figuring now was as good a time as any, and followed the instructions. I soaked the jeans and liberally applied the product.  I have an old fingernail brush that I used to gently rub over the marks and – no word a lie – like magic the ink marks disappeared – even on the double stitched side seam! I then threw them in a wash and added a cap full of eaze-out per the instructions and my jeans came out brighter and whiter all over! Seriously, they look like I had just purchased them!

You know, it’s the little things in life that give me the greatest thrills. I was so excited about eaze-out I went to my closet and pulled out pieces to experiment on.  From ink and blood to make up and coffee – I spent the afternoon testing to see just how I could prove this product wrong. Sorry - can't. It is amazing! Those once destined for the garbage items have now regained their rightful spot amongst my wardrobe of whites.  Next up - my brights!

After reading a few reviews online I realized I am not alone!  Great reviews. And, I discovered it is available at both Atlantic Fabrics and Fabricland.

Who knew?  Have you tried this product? Do you have a favorite go-to you’d like to share?  Post a comment and/or a photo - I'd love to hear from you!  

"It's the little things in life that give me the greatest thrills!"   
- Mary Elizabeth

Until next time - live simply!
Mary Elizabeth

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