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Saturday, 17 June 2017

From Drab to Gorgeous with Caribbean Blue FAT Chalk Paint

Can I get a hallelujah for the arrival of spring? Not that our winter was any different from previous years – I just love moving on for a few seasons from the whiteness of it all. This time of year, like most, I head to the gardens and window boxes as early as possible just to be able to enjoy the array of color that will be a source of joy for the next few months.  Color engulfs my life and makes me happy. 

The window boxes are jam packed full of every color imaginable. The perennial gardens showing signs of rebirth and sending up shoots of irises, peonies and daylilies. At the same time, inside my cottage, the warm and cozy earth tones from fall and winter décor are replaced with beautiful, bright, cheery fabrics and accessories to add that splash of happiness – color makes my soul complete.

So, here’s the thing….

I had posted “What Up With Color?” a few days ago and thought while that was fresh in my mind I would share with  you a little project I recently completed.

I was out on an adventure one afternoon and ended up at one of my favorite second hand furniture stores, Mom’s Used Furniture and Dad’s Ice Cream in Lunenburg.  Pam has some really interesting pieces and this particular day I spied this little chair sitting in the corner.  Like I needed another chair to refinish – but this was unusual and it had great bones, so home it comes!
I call this "Red Velvet"

Once I got the “beautiful” red velvet off the frame I was thrilled to see that it had been originally caned.  I would imagine somewhere down the line of owners of this little gem, they did what most do when the cane breaks – grab a piece of fabric and recover it.  Well, I just had to have the cane replaced – proper thing!

But what was I going to do about the paint color…… I decided, as summer was approaching, this project would be painted it in this yummy “Caribbean Blue” FAT Chalk Paint and antiquing wax to bring out the imperfections – as only antiquing wax will do!

Painted, waxed and distressed

After the piece had cured for a few weeks I took it to my friends at the ARC in Bridgewater and had it caned, seat and back, just like the original.
Home from the caner

This little accent chair is now for sale in my shop. How great would this look in any home?  I think we all need a little color to liven up our day.  Why not bring those amazing colors we tenderly care for in our gardens into our homes?  If they bring so much happiness out of doors, why not try them inside? From the muted to the bold and beautiful - living with color is a good thing.

"Sunset is still my favorite color, and rainbow is second."
- Mattie Stepanek

Until next time - live simply!
Mary Elizabeth

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