I, along with my sisters, have been spending a lot
of time with our parents helping to care for my Mom who
was diagnosed with Dementia a few years back.
I’m currently on “weekend duty” so when my shift rolls around I just move in with
them for a few days which allows ample time to help our Mom, visit with her and our Dad as well as an opportunity to tackle some of
the cleaning projects that have been neglected of late.
So, Here’s The Thing……
A few weeks ago while cleaning for the holidays, I mustered
the courage to check the status behind their stove. You know what I’m talking about……even the
cleanest of houses has its dirty little secrets…..and behind the stove I think
we can all agree as to how grungy this space can become with grease, dust bunnies, crumbs, splatters and yes,
a few mice droppings – which is somewhat expected when you live on a working farm in
the country. Nonetheless, I am still surprised every time as to what I discover back there.
Quite honestly, I think
the last time I pulled out their stove was a year ago. Why it isn't done every couple of months with all the cooking that goes on around there is beyond me – I’ll chalk it
up to "no one will ever know" or "no one looks behind the stove" – or maybe, just maybe, I’m waiting and hoping the kitchen fairy will eventually show
up and do it for us. In any event, whatever the reasons,
I think we can all agree it is a nasty job - and one we all put off.
I finally man-handled
the stove out from between the counter and the island – probably one of the
reasons it’s been a year between cleanings – and grabbed the vacuum to suck up
anything that wasn’t stuck to the floor.
I purchased two of my favorite cleaners - SOS Pads and Spray
Nine. SOS Pads are an abrasive steel wool pad saturated in soap. They will power through your toughest messes from baked on grease to bathroom scum and BBQ grill residue. Spray Nine is the most versatile weapon in your cleaning arsenal. It is a professional strength heavy duty cleaner, degreaser and disinfectant. I was confident I would be able to complete this project using these two cleaners.
Armed with rubber gloves I grabbed an SOS pad and a bucket of warm water. I dipped the SOS Pad in the water just enough to get it wet and scrubbed the floor. I started with the floor so I would have a clean area to stand while tackling the wall and cabinets. After the floor was scrubbed I wiped it down with wet paper towel - for easy disposal. Then I sprayed the entire floor area with Spray Nine and wiped it down with a clean, damp rag. I repeated the process on the cabinets, wall and both sides of the stove until everything was sparkling clean. Once more over the floor with the trusty Swiffer Wet Mop and ta-da! - project "behind the stove" - done.
Armed with rubber gloves I grabbed an SOS pad and a bucket of warm water. I dipped the SOS Pad in the water just enough to get it wet and scrubbed the floor. I started with the floor so I would have a clean area to stand while tackling the wall and cabinets. After the floor was scrubbed I wiped it down with wet paper towel - for easy disposal. Then I sprayed the entire floor area with Spray Nine and wiped it down with a clean, damp rag. I repeated the process on the cabinets, wall and both sides of the stove until everything was sparkling clean. Once more over the floor with the trusty Swiffer Wet Mop and ta-da! - project "behind the stove" - done.
I must say, once this area was clean – although no one else will ever know what I had just spent the morning doing –
there is something satisfying, almost therapeutic, in knowing one of the most neglected areas of the kitchen - is clean. And, one day, when the kitchen
fairy finally shows up, she will be mighty impressed. My luck it will be
the day before I pull the stove out a year from now!
Now I bet you are all wondering what it looks like behind your stove. I dare you - take a look! If you are like the majority of us, you are thinking it probably needs some attention. I would suggest that we try to clean this area every so often - especially if you are preparing your home for sale, considering a renovation or appliance replacement, or if you are like me....and haven't looked there for at least a year! Let me know by posting your comments below. I'd love to know what cleaners you chose and any helpful hints you'd like to share.
Now I bet you are all wondering what it looks like behind your stove. I dare you - take a look! If you are like the majority of us, you are thinking it probably needs some attention. I would suggest that we try to clean this area every so often - especially if you are preparing your home for sale, considering a renovation or appliance replacement, or if you are like me....and haven't looked there for at least a year! Let me know by posting your comments below. I'd love to know what cleaners you chose and any helpful hints you'd like to share.
“My idea of Superwoman is someone who cleans her own floors.”
- Bette Midler
Next Time – Live Simply!
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